Saturday, 5 August 2017

eight resident goats


Of all the lies, obfuscations, recusuals, allegations of unlawfulness and illegality, administrative chaos, a creaking, leaking bureaucracy, the goddamn proliferation of fake news, inquiry's into inquiries, tweet, tweet, tweet, the vomit-making moments, interfering in other people's shit just for the fun of it, for a start off -- and the endless parade of colourful smart operators and spectacular bumbling fools coming out of DC in the last few months, little wonder everybody talk 'bout The White House.
So it's comforting to see just about the only recent thing in The Free Press that approaches the truth of the matter come from a sports magazine, with a first class essay with impeccable sources on how the POTUS DJ Trump! approaches the game of golf.
There is no doubt at all that The Donald is a very good amateur golfer, would probably play off a handicap of "eight or nine" on most good golf courses, but of course, that is still not good enough for him.
He's had plenty of practice, and he will not be defeated by the game.
But the Pres., well, he knows in his own mind, and the people's mind, that he's No.1, so why try harder?
He is the "richest best golfer in the world", or is that "the best richest golfer in the world"?
It doesn't matter how long it takes.
Trumpy will go to any length at all to play every trick in the book to break, bend, and shape-shift The 28 Rules of Golf [plus the contentious rules 29-34 + "local rules" + the "Etiquette"] to produce a better score, and even then some of his best scores have doubtful provenance.
To be the golfing partner of DJ Trump! must be an absolute nightmare with all that endless commentary.
So hats off to Sports Illustrated for a very clever analysis of the way The Leader of The Free World behaves...

You'd have to hope that The Donald's left his phone at the White House after going on a "17-day working holiday" at Bedminster, NJ, to commune with his "eight resident goats".
It's so nice there at this time of year, they say, he's even arranged to be buried at the joint, for chrissake.
Lord, save them.

Photo: B.Smialowski—AFP

"If you wish to hide your character, do not play golf"
"golf is a good walk, spoiled"
M.Twain [alleg]
"Is golf a dying game?"
FOX5 (Las Vegas) 2014

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