Tuesday, 8 August 2017

going to water


Lord Almighty.
How weak are the Tories?
Weak as gnat's piss, that's how weak.
The five 'rebel' Liberal MP's; a mob of complete unknowns in the form of The Hons. Trevor Evans, Dean Smith, Tim Wilson and Trent Zimmerman, as well as the always colourful Warren Entsch for good measure, threaten to take a proposal to the party room to amend the Marriage Act by a free vote of Parliament to enshrine 'gay marriage' in the legislation.
Simple, you would have thought.
There was bolshy talk of "crossing the floor" and getting the [non] issue out of the way before the next election so as not to distract the disinterested electorate.
So what happens?
With a Prime Minister beholden to the alt right - read fascist - fundamentalist faction and other sundry God botherer's in the majority of conservative ranks, the 'rebels' couldn't get the numbers and immediately go to water, and settle for something called a "non-binding voluntary postal plebiscite", something which resolves nothing at all, and has never before, as far as I am aware, been attempted in the history of the Commonwealth.
A postal plebiscite?
A bureaucratic nightmare for the Electoral Commission at the very least.
Has anyone noticed the price of a postage stamp these days?
As of June 30, there were 15,882,788 enrolled voters in Australia.
That's a helluva lot of taxpayer's cash, even if they can get a bulk rate off Australia Post.
First, legislation needs to be passed to allow for the the plebiscite to he held [which has a snowflakes chance in hell of getting through the Senate away, just like the original Liberal election promise of a vote at the polls], then it needs to be conducted at enormous expense, but then when happens?
Anyone's guess.
Not a Tory seems to have thought that far into the future.
The only thing that is clear is that the whole debacle has yet again seriously damaged Malcolm Trundle's already fatally wounded leadership.
Uncle Bill Shorten doesn't even need to say or do anything while the Tories implode.
The latest opinion polls suggest that the 'issue' is of little interest to most of the electorate and a "Yes" vote would easily get up by simple majority in all of the six states, as it would in a free vote in the Parliament.
For fuck's sake people, just get on with it; the law can be changed with the stroke a legislative pen.
End of the matter.
As an aside, I may get a little controversial here, but why gay people would want to get married in the first place has always been a mystery to me.
Why would they want to embrace the most conservative of social institutions?
Marriage is in serious decline in the heterosexual community, and is increasingly unpopular for many reasons among the millenials and yuppie scum, who much prefer more flexible personal living arrangements such as "living in sin".
I have discussed this with gay friends of mine, and most of them are similarly perplexed.
Of course everyone agrees that gay people should by rights as citizens be afforded the complete set of rights now currently available to heterosexual de-facto couples, including succession and proxy rights and the legal recognition of the children of such unions and so on, but marriage?
My friends say there will be then be, ipso facto, the unforeseen consequence of 'gay divorce', and all the unnecessary unpleasant consequences of that; everyone knows what happens when lawyers and the Family Court become involved.
A fervently Pinko gay mate of mine even went so far as to say to me "What ever happened to gay pride, for chrissake!? For me, being gay always used to be a point of difference, a refusal to conform, a matter of pride that we live our lives in a different way that suits us, not them. Why do we want to get involved in all that hetero shit just to be seen as "normal", to somehow "fit in", to be accepted into the mainstream, which we are clearly not a part of, never have been, never will be, and for me, never want to be?"
A very good point, and an argument that's been going on in the gay community for a good while...this, just as a purely random example, is six years old now...


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