Thursday 12 October 2017

lawyer's picnic at the High Court

The epitome of "clout".

Appearances before the full bench of the High Court [sitting as the Court of Disputed Returns], Canberra, 10-12 October 2017. Re: Election of Members of Parliament and s.44 Constitution.

The Solicitor-General, Stephen Donaghue QC, for the Commonwealth.
David Bennett AC QC, for Canavan.
Brett Walker SC, for Joyce & Nash.
Andrew Tokely SC, for Xenophon.
Brian Walters QC, for Ludlum & Walters.
Justin Gleeson QC and Ron Merkel SC, for Windsor.
Robert Newlinds SC, for Roberts.
Geoffrey Kennett SC, appearing as animus curiae.

Enough said, already!
Aaaah...the Miracle of Democracy...

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