Sunday, 2 September 2018

sandwich board man


There is a loveable old rogue, Danny Lim, who likes to hang around on the streets of Sydney's inner-west with a sandwich board slung around his neck.

It's his life's work. He must be in his mid-70's and he's been at it for many, many decades.

He makes his own colorful placards for the sandwich board, lately with a new innovation - smilies - that make a blunt, pithy, and to the point statement about this week's political difficulties facing Australia.

He's never been a big fan of corrupt or hyocritiocal politicians.

Danny always has a smile on his face and wears shoulder length hair and sometimes has some flowers about him, either holding a bunch or some stuffed into the pocket of his jacket, and he used to have a small dog with him there for a while, but it must have died.

Recently, he was for the innumerable time warned off the streets of one of his favourite haunts, Strathfield, for "offensive language" - which is hard to fathom given that he never speaks and remains silent, even when provoked.

So, it was a delight to see him pop up yesterday on the streets of Newtown, standing on the traffic island at King Street and Enmore Road, up to his usual standard with this week's sandwich board, that read:

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