This Pinko bloggy blog blog thingy is principally concerned with the Miracle of Democracy, whenever and wherever it occurs. It is not politically correct, and usually consists of hugely opinionated diatribes on the various vagaries of the Miracle. Vote early! Vote often! All care taken, no responsibility accepted. A work in progress. The Miracle of Democracy is yours, so enjoy!
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
"you can't make fun of a clown"
NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian, on the hustings in Wagga Wagga, 8 September, 2018.
The Miracle of Democracy is spinning right out of control at the minute, and aint that gooood?
So, why not start with the Wagga Wagga state by-election a while back now, where, after all the jiggery-pokery and brou-ha-ha in Canberra, the Tories primary vote collapsed by fully 29%, allowing a conservative "independent" stooge to take the seat - the first time the Liberals have lost there in 60+ very odd years?
That'll do.
I'd never heard of the winning candidate, Doc Joe #givejoeago McGirr, who by all reports is a reasonably well-known local medico [and academic] who's been a long-time rabble-rouser in the Rural Doctors lobby, but what he intends to actually have a go at remains something of a mystery.
As it turns out, if it wasn't for the preference swap, the Pinko's had a fighting chance of pinching that seat, at least until the next State Election in five months time.
That's very very bad news for the poor ol' NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, who was shitting bricks after the Wagga ballots came in; knowing full well her Tory Govt. faces wipe out, a complete rout, extermination in the forthcoming poll, where the Liberal and Country parties will be reduced to a Parliamentary rump in a history-making landslide.
Crikey, the good burghers of the Riverina couldn't give a blue root about the multi-billion dollar debacle that is Sydney's WestConnex [they still can't work out how to hook up a staggering 32kms of new road tunnels to the airport], or the utter shambles that is the "Tram to Nowhere", construction of which has ground to a complete halt as the contractors take the Govt. to court over 'variations' worth billions - it should have been finished by now.
And don't get me started on the fanciful Metro, or the Sydenham-Bankstown Development Corridor, that will/is converting huge swathes of suburbia out here in Sydney's armpit into shoddily-built towering high-rise ghetto's.
All the votes are in Sydney, so the Tories are busy preparing themselves to cop a gigantic tusk up the runter when that mob of electorates inflict their mighty wrath.
It's no co-incidence that the Emerald City is going backwards and becoming increasingly unlivable, while Melbourne - under a Pinko Govt. - is booming if you believe the statisticians, with folks flocking to the Athens of the South to buy 'reasonably-priced' real estate and take up the apparently endless supply of quality jobs on offer there, when you'd be lucky to get a gig mucking out dunnies on this side of the island while living in a dog box that's not yours.
Of course, there was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide and no blaming the Wagga result on "state issues", after "You can call me Mal" Turnbull was monumentally rat-fucked by the fundamentalist evangelical ult-right, who inserted a compromise PM "Call me ScoMo" Morrison.
And isn't he trying ever so hard to create an image of being a "man of the people"?
Sorry Scotty, but rolling the sleeves up on yr open-necked shirt for the television cameras pretending you are working dosesn't cut the mustard.
It just gives the expression "on the nose" a new meaning.
The problem with ScoMo is most folks don't relate at all well to a baseball cap wearing, Cronulla Sharks [who, in a sweet irony, lost the preliminary final to Melbourne 22-6] supporting, weirdo happy-clapper Shire boy, going 'round saying that everything is sorted because "I've fixed it" - in cahoots with his toe-rag mates JoFry and "yes, that's right, it's Christopher" Pyne [who's now the Minister for Adelaide Submarines, God help us all].
Move on, nothing to see here.
My arse.
Little wonder Mal decamped to be amongst his monied mates in marvellous Manhattan for a Rich Dude's quality sulk, while he plots his revenge on those responsible for the party-room putsch he didn't see coming.
You aint heard the last of it, oh, no siree.
Meantime, on the International Front - where the Miracle seems to be under siege everywhere - I did hear Shaun Micallef on the radio the other day explaining that he would not be doing any Trump jokes in his current series of Mad As Hell on the telly, because "you can't make fun of a clown". And even if you could, with the demented psycho making a total tool of himself on a daily basis, it would be out of date anyway by the time the show went to air.
Never mind that The Donald is in a B-double 18-wheeler truck-load of trouble; the "lodestar" op-ed by anonymous in the NYT, Bob Woodward's new "explosive" tome Fear [which surely can't be better than Hunter S Thompson's final book on the vagaries before he shot himself - called The Kingdom of Fear], the sleaze bag who will be forever known as the "Trump Appointee" to the Soopreeme Court, or Bobby "Three Sticks" Mueller sneaking around in the shadows getting legions of the Trumpotus' criminal cronies to 'roll over', or the 25th Amendment "nuclear option"- I've been saying this for quite a while now - the Great Stormy Daniels will prove to be his final downfall.
After years of investigations, the best they could get Al Capone on was tax evasion, so when the hush money paid out to Stormy is found to be as illegal-as-fuck under the campaign finance laws, I may very well live to see the day when Donald J Trump starts to serve his stretch in the Federal Penitentiary.
That's the problem when you think with yr dick, mate, and then have to take yr dirty laundry to the lawyers, er, cleaners.
But I'm not holding my breath because it's notable that under the US Constitution, an impeached President is the only person who cannot be pardoned by the new incoming President, but that's really neither here nor there, as the fraud & shyster will make a strategic decision to resign the Oval Office, to re-open the pardon possibility, regardless of his high crimes or misdemeanors.
Nixon did it, so why not The Feak?
It's impossible to make this kinda stuff up. Besides, it's all too hard to keep up.
And they haven't even got to the "mid-terms", where the Dems will take the House, no Republican legislation will ever be passed, any Democrat legislation will go down in the Senate or be vetoed, and the Donald will become a classic powerless Lame Duck in the last two year's of his Presidency - providing he doesn't ship on out to Mar-a-Lago before that.
Absolutely nothing will get done, and the Americans can be left to wallow in their own pitiful angst.
Winding around full circle back to my local stomping ground in Sydney's inner west, and there's been some interesting political posters going up around the's pleasing to see ahead of the upcoming campaigning season, as there must always be room for anarchists in a robust Miracle, even tho' they are dead set against Democracy or any kind of organised system of governance for that matter.
We all know the usual tired old Anarcho-Commo trope of the clenched fist and a slogan or two SMASH-THE-STATE! FUCK-THE-POLICE!, but these are a touch more creative - seen on the streets of Dulwich Hill and Newtown last Thursday:
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