Wednesday 21 November 2018

an "uncooked pig's head"


Never mind geo-politics or Scomo looking sensational in a fancy satin shirt waving from the back row at APEC, one of the major stories of the recent "summit season" has been shamefully overlooked by the media.
The Prime Minister of Samoa, Tuilaepa, ran into a touch of trouble when he in dropped in at Brisbane, having an "uncooked pig's head" chucked at him amid a barrage of Samoan invective...maybe he's not universally loved in the Samoan diaspora?

BTW...recently I got together some stories from Samoa, and finally cranked my arse into gear to put them up on the Internet thingy.
It's a bit more than 10,000 words, so I don't expect anyone will read them, nor do I care really, but you can see them here if you want...

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