Wednesday, 16 December 2020

the President is missing

Tucson Mayor Regina Romero, a member of Arizona's Electoral College, signs a commemorative copy of the Arizona Presidential Electoral Ballot, after a meeting of the Arizona Electoral College Monday, Dec. 14, 2020, in Phoenix, Arizona.
Photo: Ross D. Franklin/Associated Press


Of course it was pleasing to see the culmination and confirmation of  the Miracle of Democracy in its most idiosyncratic form with the meeting of the Electoral College casting their votes as per protocol in an orderly fashion with zero hanky-panky, a complete absence of brou-ha-ha, no low-down dirty dealing, and not even any "faithless electors" (there were seven of those the last time they met). Joseph R. Biden Jr becomes the 46th President of the US of A, and that's that. But what on earth is the 45th POTUS up to now that he's an official loser and lame duck? Whatever happened to his glib promise of a few weeks back that he would "respect" the vote of the Electoral College? Does it matter anymore?

Poor Donny - he's depressed and doesn't show up to work, by all reports. He's ceased going to the Oval Office, does not attend any meetings, and won't sign anything...instead he's welded by superglue to his Twitter phone for the now time-honoured, traditional ALL CAPS rants while manically smashing the buttons on a succession of the cable TV remote control channel changers. So where exactly is he? The President is missing. You know that there is something very seriously wrong when the perfect made-for-TV moment comes along and the DJ! is nowhere to be seen. Of course, he should have been the Master of Ceremonies when the first person in the USA got the jab with new Covid19 vaccine. If ever there was a good news success story to go out on, this would have had to be it. He could have trumpeted that without the massive Govt. subsidies he granted through Operation Warp Speed, Big Pharma would never have been able to come up with the world saving prophylactic. But no, he's just very peeky that they FAILED to come up with a vaccine BEFORE the election so he could have ridden home on its coat tails (and that would have been a genuine possibility). But, heck, he's never taken the disease seriously, so why start now? The Donald, given his previous form, will now sink further and further into the White House woodwork after his vile Attorney General quit on him (thereby denying the President valuable last minute advice on how and who to pardon), and he lost Congress (it's again worth pointing out that the President cannot spend a single penny of Federal money without Congressional approval) after that exceptionally ugly toadying Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell decided at long last to cast the Trumpotus adrift, finally congratulating Uncle Joe on his seven million vote victory. The Donald is all at sea. He doesn't have a friend in Washington, let alone a dog.

Speaking of Presidents who aren't interested in the job, all kudos must go to Sophie Germain who has assiduously maintained the Trump Golf Count website over the past four years, meticulously keeping tabs on when and where the Donald has been to play golf (most weekends), even down to the number of hours and minutes spent at the club, according to the records of the Secret Service who have to account for the whereabouts of the POTUS for every second of every day. What a champion effort, Soph. Never mind that the Donald seems to have shaken off his security detail and gone into hiding, he's probably played more golf in office than all the other 44 US presidents combined. The most slack-arse Leader of the Free World in the history of mankind, but that's hardly news, or even close to the worst of it...

All Hail the Chief. 

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