Sunday, 27 June 2021

far lower than some utter shithole



Of course a two week lock-down means nothing to an old bastard with a busted leg who can't even get down the back steps, but really?

If ScoMo had not been so fucking vocally intransigent ("nah, don't need 'em"), NSW VIC and QLD would be well on their way to building/completing thousand bed quarantine stations. Christ! It's not as if there's not a gargantuan amount of lazy cash sloshing around in the economy. The problem of importing the virus? Solved.

And why isn't every second TV advertisement telling us to rush down to our local chemist shop to "get the jab"? Just as you can with 'flu shots. Why? Because it's unavailable - at least in the Emerald City it is - a minimum nine week wait for any kind of vaccine that may or may not be applicable to you. Nine weeks!!?? That is simply outrageous. And buried in recent Govt. pronouncements is the fact that the Astra-Zeneca vaccine will be phased out entirely by October, leaving Australia out of pocket for 50 million doses we don't want because of the risk of a side-effect that is so infinitesimally small that it's less than statistically insignificant. And never mind us old folks - we can die in a ditch - the top priority target group now should be anyone aged between 20 and 40 as they are the most highly mobile segment of the population by the length of the street. But no, they are ineligible to get any kind of shot at all. Just what kind of completely insane fuckery is this? And guess who's responsible?

As it stands, 4% of the Australian population is fully vaccinated (entire world average? 10%+), and in the half-useful "at least one jab" category it's 24% -- but even that's far lower than some utter shithole, like say, Mississippi. Speaking of which, in the States, Uncle Joe has got his people going door-to-door in poor districts armed with syringes, getting folks to roll up the sleeve giving them the jab and a Govt. certificate saying "we'll be back later with the second shot". And this, in a country of 333 million? We have been failed. Miserably.

Nobody here is publishing data likes this, are they? Shame on you Scott Morrison. Shame on you Ruby Princess:


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