Saturday, 10 July 2021

Operation Ethnic Cleanse



You gotta hand it to the Ruby Princess ordering her Police Commissioner to deploy a few hundred extra cops to Sydney's South West to combat the roaming hoards of flagrant law breakers who are dropping in on family and friends - which is a time honoured tradition in the area - willy nilly and scattering the Indian mutant of the Corona here, there, and everywhere as they go. I'm not the first to say this smacks very loudly of racial profiling. The worst case of 'unconscious racism' that the NSW Tories have come up with in quite a while. Unconscious, unthinking, casual, unintentional - Gladys? Hello? - you, of all people, should know it's still racism. What are you thinking when you say to them that "it's just not allowed" and then you chastise them for not listening? What if they can't even understand you in the first place, you bonehead? Little wonder this has raised a tremendous hue and cry beyond the Outer Edge of the Inner West just for the plain and simple fact that English is very much the second language - if at all - of most of the folk there, and English is by no means the preferred spoken language in the majority of households in the south west. This is not a crime. You do not need English to be a fine upstanding member of the community in the Miracle of Democracy. You are not required by law to look like pure white Aryan bread to be Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi.

Has anyone ever spared a thought for the poor suffering translators (if any are being employed)? The General Public has very little grasp of the ever shifting sands of conflicted mixed messaging coming their way in their native tongue - English - from all kinds of people who think they know everything. What hope for the professional linguists who are struggling to make any sense of it at all and then trying to communicate the arrant nonsense into another language (never mind the cultural differences)? The Ethnics of South Western Sydney would like to know what the fuck is going on just as much as the next person, for crying out loud. But no, go for the easy kneww jerk reaction and send in the cops. That'll fix everything. Stove a few multicultural heads in, but no racial profiling allowed, OK. So, what happens? After one day of Operation Ethnic Cleanse, hundreds of cops - including some on horseback - have fanned out across the south west looking for Covid offenders without making a single arrest. Not one. This was after there was never any talk of turning out extra squads of heavily armed officers to deal with the Limmo Driver "outbreak" (remember when they used to be called a "cluster") in the pure white-as-the-driven-snow native English speaking Eastern Suburbs was there? Nah. Of course not. It's different over there when you have to do yr cocaine with intimate partners only after being caught getting yr hair done down at the salon. It stinks, Ruby, but you couldn't care less because they are all filthy Labor voters in the south west and there's nothing in it for you, is there?

And just when you think you've heard it all, you get this classic opening line in a story in the Melbourne paper telling us that ScoMo has scrapped the beer ban with the stroke of a pen: "Prime Minister Scott Morrison will scrap a ban on businesses offering alcohol as a reward for getting the COVID-19 jab after a Port Melbourne pub was ordered to stop giving free beers to vaccinated customers." Really? Who can even pretend to know what kind of mixed messaging that is. Now, if it was yr local Bong Shop is offering a toke or two of the latest juicy shit to those vaxxed-up hipsters who'd had the jab it'd be an entirely different story, wouldn't it?

Never mind free beers for jabs or the fact that some of the best ideas coming up over a few beers, if the new Covid Commando Lt. Gen. J.J.Frewen has any idea, this is the sort of thing that should be happening right now on a 24/7/365 basis down at the currently non-existent South Western Sydney Vaccination Hub:

But that won't happen. Whenever a military man (and it's always a man) is dragged kicking and screaming into civilian affairs I'm reminded of the Harry Truman reply when he was asked how he thought Gen. Dwight D.Eisenhower would go succeeding him in the US Presidency:

"He’ll sit here, and he’ll say, ‘Do this! Do that!’ And nothing will happen. Poor Ike—it won’t be a bit like the Army. He’ll find it very frustrating.”

Good luck son. The race was lost well before you started. Oh, that's right, ScoMo did say of the vaccine strollout "it's not a race". That was back in March: “It’s not a race. It’s not a competition for the sake of people’s health – you get it right. And that’s exactly what we’re doing and, where we are, our October deadline is the one we’re absolutely working to – there’s no change to that.”

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