Tuesday, 30 May 2017

700,000 Frogs on pot...

Midnight tokers,

Even with us baby boomers in charge, the levers of power and the wheels of the Miracle of Democracy still move at a glacial pace.
Noted on the radio news this AM that only 25 GP's, principally in NSW, have applied for certificates to prescribe medicinal cannabis to individual patients, mainly the terminally ill.
What a really really stoopid system.
Change it, legislate for it.
Come on guys, get with the program, open up the damn doctor's script pads - trust them to "first, do no harm", for gawd's sake.
The Commonwealth Health Dept's deputy secretary in charge of drug regulation, adjunct Professor John Skerritt, says there are warehouses scattered all over Sydney full of the shit, but even if you are as crook as Rookwood, you still have to jump through flaming hoops to get at it.
And then at what cost? It certainly aint on the PBS. Pensioner discounts? When you can go down to your local chemist shop and get all the highly addictive opiates you like for a song at the stroke of any snake oil merchant's pen.
In the meantime, 700,000 Frogs on pot can't be wrong.
They'd need it for the chronic pain:


The French love measuring things, so I wonder what their annual domestic production of the hoochy-coochy is like, given the considerable black market and the fact that they have some ideal climes for it.
I remember casually plucking some choice little ripe heads off a few mature plants scattered around the herb garden of an ancient abbey in the Loire Valley that the GLW had first noticed, in full view of the knowing jardinier with winking eyes, in Sept '14; stuffed a pocket full and took them to Paris, gratuitement merci beaucoup.
God moves in mysterious ways.
Made it a lot easier to glide up and down those infernal Metro stairs on one good leg.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Australian Aborigines get the Constitutional right vote

This must be some kind of joke - it took until 1967 to give Australian Aborigines the Constitutional right Vote?

No wonder it is the only referendum question ever to get such a huge level of approval at 90.7%, to very comfortably carry all the States.
It forever changed the "race card" in the Constitution, which still allows Canberra to make special laws for any race it deems fit.
Voter turn out at 93% was about standard under a compulsory voting system.
However, with the long history of the "White Australia Policy" and the inherent racism [present among all races] in Australia, there are two chances of EVER getting rid s.51(xxvi)of the Constitution - none, and Buckley's.
It will never happen.
Even getting a simple majority of the electorate is problematical, let alone carrying all the States.
By repealing s.127, it allowed Aboriginal people to be counted in the census for the purposes of drawing up electoral boundaries, effectively enshrining in the Constitution the 1962 Electoral Act that gave Aboriginies the right to vote, although Aboriginal people were not covered by the compulsory voting system until 1983!
So, for 20 years between suffrage and compulsion, no one cared if Aboriginies voted or not, despite the sterling efforts of the Labor party to bring out the "black vote" at the polls.
The other question, now forgotten, on whether to increase the number of members of the House of Representative, without increasing the number of Senators from each State, was sensibly, roundly defeated by the electorate.
More politicians? NO!
If it's not broke, don't fix it seems to be the over-arching Australian attitude.
Blundering on regardless.
And 50 years later - a goddamn half a century - the trouble continues.

TREATY, yeah.

TREATY, now.

Friday, 26 May 2017

Surf's Up for the Ayatollah


You gotta love the recent triumphant world tour by DJ Trump! - sold out shows everywhere.
First he drops in to sort out those pesky Royals down Saudi Arabia way, promising to help them gang up on Iran and give those guys the complete and utter shits.
World class diplomacy.
[Iran, by the by, has just completed its own curious excercise in the Miracle of Democracy - but somehow, the race for the Presidency there always seems to be between a "conservative" and a "hard-line cleric", no-one else appears to get a look-in, while it's Surf's Up for the Ayatollah, every day, 365].
Then The Donald pops across the border to instantly solve the Middle East Peace Question, right there and then, once and for all, while doing some weird shit at the Wailing Wall in a funny hat - good look.
Not happy with that, DJ-T! drops by the Vatican to catch up with the Bishop of Rome to seek Absolution for all his Sins, and congratulating His "what do you feed him?" Holiness on a job well done.
Mission accomplished?
No siree.
The Trumpotus then jets into Brussels to clean up that total mess of crapola that is the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, telling the other 27 Members that they better start coughing up for their own de-fence, as these nuclear farkin' weapons don't come cheap, boys, even on a fixed-price contract.
Have you seen the ridiculous cost of weapons-grade plutonium these days?
Then the Leader of the Free World caps off the tour by calling the Manchester bomber a "LOSER"...yep, that's right, a total loser.
What a statesman!
All in all, the whole roadshow could not have gone off any better...did you see the huge crowds of screaming fans at every show and all those autographs he signed?
Here's some highlights...The Donald hamming it up for the camera's as a Gypsy with a crystal ball!

Here's the man thoughtfully putting things right by looking for something one of his people had misplaced.

But wait, there's more...here's DJ Trump! with a beaming IL PAPA and the Two Black Brides of Christ!

Could go on, but, oh man, I'm exhausted.

Thursday, 25 May 2017

"unrepresentative swill"

Green Dreamers,

Never mind the "they shoot horses, don't they?" question, I note that the "it's my party, and I'll die, if I want to" debate came to a head overnight in the Tasmanian Parliament and the Bill was defeated 8-16 on a "conscience" vote.



With the Speaker obviously not required to vote, that puts the full membership of the chamber in Tassy at just 25.
Talk about "small government" in the extreme, that's more like a slightly over-stuffed committee, than a Parliament.
Crikey...the Parliament of Iceland, [which boasts a population smaller than Tasmania], the Alþingi has 63 members.
Geeting elected there must be a cinch, as each Member of the Alþingi represents about 5,000 electors at most -- you could ring them all up in a fortnight and ask them to vote for you, and then you only need a bit over two voters to say yes and, bingo!, yr elected.
The Australian House of Representatives has 150 members, which is about right for a small population in world terms, the US House of Reps is sensibly limited by the Constitution at no more than 435 reps, the French have gone right over the top at 577 deputies in the National Assembly, while the UK's storied House of Commons is off its tree and in the next orchard at 650 members(!)
Now that's unwieldy.
No wonder the House of Commons does not have enough benches or seats to sit all the Members; that was the first thing Winston Churchill insisted on upon it's rebuilding after the original building had the bejesus bombed out of it by the Germans in WWII.
And of course the Tasmanian Parliment was the first to use the infamous Hare-Clark system of voting [invented in 1857, but never really widely adopted], which, by its very nature, allows for all sorts of crackpots, loons, and nutjobs to be elected with hardly any first preference votes.
Just ask the Hon. Sen. Derryn Hinch or the Hon. Sen. Pauline Hanson or Nick the Greek, not to mention no less than nine unreformed Greenies - wackjobs, all of 'em - they'll tell you.
That's why the 12 Senators for each state regardless of population Hare-Clarky Australian Senate was famously referred to by The Great John Paul Keating as "unrepresentative swill".
The last time the Rich Dude tried to reform it, it all went horribly pear-shaped, and got way worse, as he appears to have ignored the fact that voters have mind's of their own.
Aaaah...the Miracle of Democracy...

Sunday, 21 May 2017

DJ Trump! and Three Sticks


DJ Trump! hops on Air Force One to have his first look-see at the Brave New World, first stop Saudi Arabia.
At least they have palaces and gold leaf down to a fine art.
The Donald will enjoy that.
And what comes out of his summit with these particular Right Royal Oppressive Zealots...an arms deal!
Truck loads of American shooters, at "special price for you!"
Isn't that beautiful?
Next stop, solving, for once and for all, the MIddle East Peace Question.
That's great!

I note that the bloke who was the ghost writer on the DJ Trump! masterpeice (I've read it and it's one of the best manifesto's going) The Art of the Deal, Tony Schwartz, reckons that the Trumpotus will resign before he is impeached, Nixon-style.


And he thinks it'll be inside six months, and it will be The Donald's greatest victory, ever, because he'll be able to say "I told you so. Didn't I? On the Campaign? I told you that the Washington swamp would be out to get me from day one, but now they can't because I'm moving back to New York where everybody loves me and respects me. The political elite tried the greatest stitch-up job on me in the history of humans, well, at least since Jesus, and look at them, they utterly and completely failed. Total Losers".
Never had a lot of time for Waleed Aly, too wrapped up in his own self-percieved importance, for mine - I couldn't listen to his show on Radio National as he sounded too much like a legal academic, which he is, by profession - but this isn't bad:


Do like "Bobby Three Sticks" being named as special counsel into those damned Ruskies; does that mean he uses three fingers when he shafts someone up the arse?
Don't think this bloke will be caught foolin' around and trash talkin'.
Let alone around the White House.

(originally published 21-05-17)

nice work if you can get it

Struggle streeters,

Nice work if you can get it:



"Among the items seized under proceeds of crime were 25 motor vehicles, including luxury cars and racing cars, 12 motorbikes, 18 residential properties, two aeroplanes, $1 million from a safe deposit box, firearms, jewellery, bottles of Grange wine and artworks."

OK, sure, a million in pineapples in a box at the bank is a nice touch, and there's probs a Ferrari thrown in their somewhere, but two aeroplanes? -- what about a chopper or three? -- and Grange> so low rent, non, non, non...some cases of Lafite would have been much better.
The jewellery is likely junk - as every half-decent thief knows, diamonds are forever, and the bigger the better.

This one strikes at the very heart of the Miracle of Democracy when high ranking public servants go off the rails for reasons known only to themselves for a crack at the honky dollar in spades.
Misconduct as a public official carries two to five in pokey - there's no not doin' time in the jailhouse on this one - just ask my mate Eddie Obeid.
Son and daughter are in even deeper doggy doo-doo...long stretches there.
Jury's generally don't treat caught tax cheats very kindly.

An army of barristers - silk at twenty paces - will be queuing up for this one.
The defendents don't appear to be short of a bob.

(originally published 18-05-17)

the man in the Moon


I know it's all very simple, but can someone please tell me just what the fuck is going on on the Korean peninsular?
With a fair degree of sabre rattling going on, the final solution is apparently quite easy: DJ Trump! just pops a tactical nuke over to Pyongyang, and it's game over.
But really, you've got the "second craziest" leader in world in the North upholding the time-honoured family tradition of the fine art of exercisng real power through despotic autocracy without the need for any recourse to the Miracle of Democracy, whatsoever.
Works brilliantly, according to Fatboy Slim.
Has for decades.
Meantime down South, they haven't had a leader at all for months, until now.
Of course, after months of street protests, the corrupt-as-buggery former President was forced out of office for being "badly advised", and could end up doing jail time.
How very precient.
Now they've had an election, and a "former human rights lawyer" gets the nod, in Moon Jae-in.
Get to know his man.
Moon's policy platform, apart from the "given" of continued economic prosperity, seems to hinge on two planks "continuing rapprochement with the North" and "cozying up to China".
Everyone's had a go at it since 1953, and got precisely nowhere.
Good luck with that Moon Face.

(originally published 18-05-17)

the Miracle of Democracy - Bahamanian-style

Who knew that the Bahamas is still a Constitutional Monarchy after all these years?
Choice part of the world for it, under the swaying palms and all that.
Great costumes and funny hats, to boot.
Noted that the good burghers of those particular Caribbean islands have just done an excercise in the Miracle of Democracy, electing Hubert Minnis - a doctor of medicine - as the Prime Minister after a whirlwind campaign when he did a Pheonix rising from the ashes trick, to take the top job in a landslide when just a couple of months earlier, his political career appeared to be have been dashed upon the rocks.
Entirely sure that the country's tax haven and money laundering policy arrangements on which the economy almost entirely depends will soldier on regardless, unchanged.
They've got it down to a fine art.
But never mind Ol' Papa Doc Hubes; doctor, doctor, gimme the news...he managed to pick up 35 seats in a 39 seat Parliament.
Minnis is beholden to Her Majesty, who's representative in the Bahama's is an 83 year old who just happened to be born there by accident, and did nothing apart from marrying well.
I give you...Dame Marguerite Matilda Pindling:

It's marvellous to see in this day and age that tin-pot democracies still exist.

(originally published 18-05-17)

a clever man


He's a clever man, E.Macron.
His appointment of a Conservative Prime Minister is a masterstroke.
Who said he is a political novice? Bullshit.
You can see exactly what he is doing - trying to coalesce the communist, socialist and republican vote around him to create a massive voting bloc to gang up on Le Pen and keep the fascists well away from the levers of power.
Thrashed her in the Presidential election, and now, from day one in charge, he's looking to utterly destroy her in the General election.
I really hope he does well - but he's up against the intractable problem that is France itself.
How it hasn't fractured into at least five different countries over the centuries is beyond me.

(originally published 17-05-17)

another lawyer's picnic


Here's another lawyer's picnic:


"a complex and expensive area of law"
, eh?

"Defending a court action for defamation cost between about $100,000 and $1.1 million".


"Defamation lawyer Matt Collins, QC, said Australia's laws were now "a Frankenstein's monster"'.

Good thing no-one reads my blog[s].
I could be done for a shit load of cash.

(originally published 12-05-17)

"journalism is the first draft of history"


Most sad to hear of the death of a straight up and down old school journo in Mark Colvin of the ABC at 65.
Never met the man, but by all accounts he was a scholar and a gentleman...there's not many of us left now.
The Dude worked for the ABC for 43 years, and while his four-year-old kidney transplant appeared to be going well, but it was inoperable lung cancer - which he kept a secret - that got him in the end.
He liked to say "journalism is the first draft of history".

Two weeks before he died, Colvin posted on the 'social media' a photo of his dog, Chops, under the title of "best medicine".

(originally published 11-05-17)

beer, cigs...up!


I threw a Budget party last night to celebrate the introduction of the magnificent Appropriation Bill (No.1), and nobody came.
That's despite the finest Champagne and caviar being in the offing.
I must mix with the wrong crowd.
I can't tell you just how delighted I am that the Govt is jacking up the price of cigars and DIY tobacco, while cracking down hard on the drunk, stoned, long-term unemployed.
That'll get the budget back in balance by 2021; sure-fire thing.
You don't know how many times I've seen a drug-fucked dole-bludger with a giant Cuban stogie hanging out of his mouth, weeping into his glass of Coonawarra shiraz in despair, crying out bitterly "Jesus, I just don't know where my next packet of rollies is coming from. Help me God, what I am going to do?"

(originally published 10-05-17)

no to a lemon meringue tart

Here's corker in local news from The Wild West.
That's the great thing about the Miracle of Democracy, you can do this sort of thing without the risk of facing the firing squad.
You don't often see a bloke of some public profile pied in public these days.
Alan certainly hasn't.
No idea what the pie chucker was on about, but I have never met anyone who's said no to a lemon meringue tart:


(originally published 10-05-17)

All power to yr oars, Kiddo


The final results and maps are in.
E.Macron picked up a thumping 66.1% of the vote [with Paris and the overseas territories now counted], and nationwide he absolutely caned Le Pen, who only took two département:

And seeing the nouveau Président de la République has to spend a fair bit of time hanging out in Paris, he's right in his comfort zone, with every arrondissements municipaux backing him in by an enormous majority:

Wiser heads have prevailed.
All power to yr oars, Kiddo.

(originally published 09-05-17)

my mate Macron - Vive la france!


The Miracle of Democracy.
My bookie has paid out.
E.Macron salutes in a landslide.
You bewdy.
I did like the quote I heard on election day from someone who was described as a "spritely pensioner" who had always voted conservative as she was going into a pollling station.
The rough translation was "I will hold my nose as I vote for Macron. Le Pen? Phhff! She carries her father's baggage".
Pretty much sums it up.
Also note that the French don't muck about - the new President must take office within seven days of the Constitutional Council officially announcing the result on Wednesday...there's no hoo-ha...all it takes is a visit to the Hôtel de Ville in Paris and a quick farewell handshake from the outgoing Pres. Hollande, and yr in.
The Monday following the election is a public holiday in France, with good reason...[it's VE Day], as everyone has hangovers.
With 90% of the vote counted, this is perhaps the most clear cut electoral map of France in living memory.

The left simply used its huge voting bloc to great effect, Le Pen was just too far out there for the Conservatives, and so Macron had all the vast swathe of farmlands from the west through the centre to the massif central and up into the Alps nailed down flat, as well as Brittany and Normandie, an almost clean sweep of the south, and all along the Loire.
Le Pen's only real solid support came from the enormous rustbelt in the north and north east, and small patches along the Mediterranean.
I've always marvelled that the hard-right rentiers who've got property on the Côte d'Azure are surrounded by hills behind them that are absolutely infested with Commo's.
Such is France.
En marche!
Vive la france!

(originally published 08-07-17)

I have always wanted a pissometer


Nice list of Phil the Greek quotes here:


I remember when I was covering the Royal Tour of March 2000 as a radio news reporter.
I was with the press pack in Bourke, and while Queenie was visiting the School-of-the Air, Phil the Greek was sent out to some tablegrape vineyard run by Abo's, so some of us tagged along.
At the end of the inspection of facilities and plaque unveiling, Phil was given a gleaming commemorative brass piezometer as a parting gift [it's an instrument that measures the pressure of bore water].
Phil remarked "Oh, a PISS-OM-ETER! I have always wanted a pissometer. Thank you very much. It will certainly come in handy at the palace ".

(originally published 07-05-17)

why it pays to take an interest in French politics


Months ago [on 02-12-16 to be precise] I read a long and detailed article about E.Macron.
It speculated that he might not wait another five years and was considering making a run for the French presidency.
So, I thought I would check with my bookie, and found that they were offering luxury odds on the then non-candidate rank outsider of $14 for the win.
I immediately slapped a lazy lobster on it, on the principle of never looking a gift horse in the mouth.
[Today, the odds are E.Macron $1.10 and M.Le Pen $7.00.]
Crikey, as the article pointed out, it's patently obvious the man was born to it.
Earmarked for greatness at birth by his medico parents, he went to the right school [obviously - his teacher and future wife told him at the age of 16 that one day he would be the leader of La Grande République - and he believed her], he went to the right university colloquially known as "Nanterre la rouge" to study Philosophy, and then did his post-grad at the right finishing school that all future Presidents of France go to, École nationale d'administration, where it is incredibly difficult to get a pass mark, which E.Macron did easily with flying colours.
He then became a high-minded public servant with a numbers brain as big as a football, then chucked that in to become a merchant banker at Rothschild & Cie Banque to gather up a tidy fortune, and then wound up being drafted into current President Hollande's cabinet as an un-elected socialist Finance Minister.
Then he quit, was reprimanded by Hollande, which only boosted his popularity, and announced his candidacy for the Presidency at age 39, under the hitherto unknown banner of En Marche! on a generally pinko policy platform aimed at pleasing all of the people all of the time.
Boy, has Monsieur Macron got the smarts in spades, or what?
You would expect the good folk of France - who love nothing more than to yabber on endlessly about politics - to be all rather sensible about this [unlike the Brexiting Poms] on Sunday on the basis of "anyone but that bastard fascist Le Pen", and elect the bloke to the Palais de l'Élysée by a wide margin [he currently holds an absolutely unbeatable 22% lead in the latest opinion polls].
The Miracle of Democracy.
Go you good thing you!

PS...it's pleasing for an Old Journo to see that France is just about the last place left in the first world where good ol' fashioned "media scrums" are still in favour:

(originally published 05-05-17)

discrimination -- alive and well

I know, it's photo-shopped like everything else these days, but isn't it marvellous to see that discrimination is still alive and well?!

(originally published 04-05-17)

Saturday, 20 May 2017

the Democratic Riviera District of Sochi

Lord High Rollers,

Did note that after the Russian Formula One Grand Prix, My Mate Vlad stayed on in Sochi to have a pow-wow with Angela Merkel.

And why not, Ol' Putes has got a sweet little gaff there, in the Riviera District.
Everything's completely fine:

"Residence Riviera is a white, three-story mansion in the 'new Russian' style, the mish-mash of architectural references favored by a ruling elite untroubled by aesthetics. While there are Art Nouveau flourishes on the facade, the interior is neo-baroque, propped up by decorative columns and accented with gold. Construction on Riviera-6 was completed in 2006."

Just around the corner is a park with a lovey mural of Lenin, and plenty of public pissour's:

"On one tourist map, a pictogram of a roll of toilet paper occupies the approximate location, presumably to symbolize the availability of public toilets."

(originally published 03-05-17)

rioting in Paris

You can always rely on the French to have a proper riot mid-way through the campaign for the Presidency
Rioting in Paris on May Day...that's the way, the traditional French way.
quel plaisir!


Particularly liked this innovative riot machine:

(originally published 02-05-17)

"holiday heart syndrome"

Social drinkers,

With the Christian Democrats in charge of Germany, all is well.
Things happen that would not even be dreamt of in other countries.
But, that's OK.

You've gotta love the name of the lead researcher into "holiday heart syndrome" -- Dr. Moritz Sinner.


Doc Sinner?
Obviously, if he drops dead in his Lederhosen after a big night in the vomitorium, he's gonna go straight to hell for suggesting beer is bad for you.
Burn, baby, burn.
These people having a mighty time with the stein have probably voted in favour of something or another.

Nice hats!

(originally published 28-04-17)

poor fractured atlas...


Oh, how the French love maps...of France.
Voting pattern by majority in the 36,552 communes last Sunday [France d'outre-mer not shown].
Poor fractured atlas...

(originally published 26-04-17)

this is scary

The Miracle of Democracy is scary...not the results....the photo's!
Mug shots are never flattering.
The bookies got it almost exactly right.
Do like how the stone-motherless last lunatic J. CHEMINADE is classified as "Unclassifiable".
Try that in French.


Sum of nationwide partial results:

E. MACRON Centre

M. LE PEN Far right

F. FILLON Conservative



N. DUPONT-AIGNAN Eurosceptic right

J. LASSALLE Centre right

P. POUTOU Far left

F. ASSELINEAU Eurosceptic

N. ARTHAUD Far left

J. CHEMINADE Unclassifiable

(originally published 24-04-17)

more rope


I'm old enough to remember South Australia under Don Dunstan; the first state to turn a blind eye to the wacky weed, now the last to get on board the overcrowded rattling bandwagon clattering down the highway to open slather.


Keep up; at least six months ago my wonderful lifesaving GP, having known for years that I'm a Midnight Toker, scribbled down on my official NSW Health list of chronic pain medications "Cannabis, one gram, per day".
But full marks to them for trying to get a pseudo-hippie new-age hemp accessories industry off the ground, as you'd expect great swathes of Fleurieu Peninsula old-growth forest could be cleared to grow it, or maybe just another new quick turnaround crazy cash crop in the doomed irrigated areas?
It'd look great too.
I'll leave the tempt and try some of the organic hemp plus granola and I'll have that ball of string thanks.
If there is one thing for certain, the world needs more rope.

(originally published 24-04-17)

a shellac of Chopin?

This one passed me by when it was first published, but in a world where everyone now has a camera, here's a brilliant, exceptional example of why professional photographers and photo/journalists are needed more than ever before.
You can only imagine what kind of music is being played...

Mohammad Moheiedine Anis, 70, smokes his pipe and listens to music in his destroyed apartment, al Shaar neighbourhood, Aleppo, Syria. 9 March 2017.
Joseph Eid/Agence France Presse.

(originally published 22-04-17)

a busy week for the Miracle of Democracy


Sheesh, it's been a busy week for the Miracle of Democracy.
So, here's some light lunchtime reading for you.

First, the the Dude-in-Charge in Turkey, having easily survived a coup d'état last year, runs a Constitutional referendum to consolidate his vice-like grip on power, possibily forever, and then manufactures only a narrow win for the "yes" case.
A clever man with popular and military support, or a ruthless despot.
You be the judge.
Good luck to a marvellous country, hopelessly divided along sectarian lines.

Then, the British PM, Theresa May, sticks her heavily pearl be-decked neck on the chopping block by calling a snap General Election, with a seven week campaign.
Naked, blatant, unashamed Tory opportunism at it's worst.
The aim is, of course, to take advantage of a "weak and divided" Labour Party - let's face it, Jeremy Corbyn is not exactly an ideal spokesmodel for the Pinko cause - and significantly increase her slim majority in the House of Commons and obtain a clear Conservative mandate to ram through Brexit with an iron first, Maggie Thatcher-style.
She's also on a personal self-justification mission and wants to legitimise her rule by being elected in her own right.
But be careful of what you wish for, Tess.
Last time out, the British electorate proved entirely impossible to predict, and now the Greens are starting to talk about some sort of hastily cobbled together ramshackle coalition with Labour and the Lib-Dems in a likely fruitless quest to seize power by stealth, while the right-wing UKIP appears to be a spent political force after riding the crest of the Brexit wave.
Also, an excellent opportunity for Nicola Sturgeon of Scotland to organise a huge protest vote to enforce her demand for a second referendum on independence from the UK; to cast the Scots adrift in the North Sea and float off somewhere in the general direction of Scandanavia.

And, finally, who on earth can read perpetually fractured French politics?
Not even The Great de Gaulle - who was called upon to "save" France, not once, but twice - had the faintest idea how it worked.
De Gaulle's entire raison d'être was to hang onto power by whatever means necessary [almost always by referendum], while asking himself before sigining any legislative instrument "what would a dirt-poor farmer in the Dordogne without heating in winter think of this?"
So there's nothing for it, but to run a market on the likely result in the French Presidential race.
No-one has a snowflakes chance in hell of winning Sunday's first round of balloting outright, so it's a race for the top two [no third dividend] to contest the two-horse run-off on May 7th, with the winner to move into the swanky Palais de l'Élysée for the next five years.
So there's still some distance to run, and for the first time, neither of the two leading candidates come from the hitherto mainstream political Establishment.
Incumbent President François Hollande will retire gracefully and handsomely from the game; very well looked after indeed on a personal pension of €15,000 a month, an "appropriate" luxe apartment in Paris "suitably furnished and equipped" fully paid for by the state, a nice office with nine state-paid staff, including a butler and personal secretary, a free car with two full-time drivers, two full-time Gendarme for security, free unlimited world-wide business class travel on Air France, and a complimentary saloon passage on all French bullet trains.
Toot! Toot!

10/8 ON (Fav.) Emmanuel Macron, En Marche!
Self-avowed centrist. Earmarked from birth as a future President of France. Former merchant banker and un-elected finance minister in current Socialist Govt. Highly educated technocrat and policy wonk. Most unusual, highly unorthodox domestic arrangements adds to French appeal. Late out of the starting gates, but has had all the running in the race. Formed own political politcal party with an amorphous policy platform known as "Macron Law" as a personal vehicle with solid support across all classes as a brilliant "moderate". Considered by many to be too young for the Presidency at age 39, but still has wide appeal across all age groups. Very well placed to reach the run-off as a "steady as she goes" compromise candidate. Go well.

4/1. Marine Le Pen, Front National. Hardnosed right-wing extreme nationalist isolationist, with form. Ex-lawyer. Twice divorced. Daughter of 88 y-o Jean-Marie Le Pen, the 'grandfather' of the French right-wing. Hates Muslims, and has campaigned on closing borders, exiting the EU, deporting 'illegals', closing mosques etc etc etc. Extremely popular among the xenophobic disappointed disposessed. Big in la sud. Early front runner, but could struggle to fend off a broad bloc of Left votes in the straight. Widely tipped to make the run-off. Big chance.

5/1. François Fillon, Les Républicains. Old school conservative. Epitome of "old money". Lives in a 12th century château in the Loire. Former Lawyer. Tainted by scandal over paying Welsh wife and two children public money to do nothing. But hey, it is France after all. Solid hope despite disrupted campaign but running well in the final stretch, however may well fall at the last hurdle and miss the run off. Has the Catholic Zombie vote cornered, and chasing the vast middle class vote with standard Tory policies. Looms as a dark horse, watch late betting.

15/1. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, La France Insoumise. Commo firebrand and brilliant orator. Veteran political hard-nut of the extreme Left. Big in la nord. Enjoying a late surge of support among disaffected Pinko yoof. About as left as left can get. Wildcard in the pack as they're coming down the straight. Not this time. Place chance best.

b>33/1. Benoît Hamon, Parti Socialiste. Agarian socialist. Poor ol' Benoît. Never wanted to run but was effectively drafted after incumbent Hollande decided not to seek a second term on the grounds of being the most unpopular President in living memory. Has the official support of the Greens, who are not running a candidate for the first time since '69. Has had a hard time being heard above the noise, and the party is on the nose with the electorate. Honest toiler, with good support in la nord, and has run best race he could under difficult circumstances. Out of his class here. Distant place best bet.

100/1. François Asselineau, Union Populaire Républicaine.
Euro-atheist. Major leauge fan of bringing back the Franc. Has some financial smarts, but will only attract funny money in the betting ring. Already outrun by this field.

200/1. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Debout la République.

Gaullist. Never risen above being one of thousands of local mayors. Lucky to be in the race after securing the necessary 500 dignatory signatures. Political lightweight. Little to no hope.

500/1. Nathalie Arthaud, Lutte Ouvrière.
Reformed Trotskyite. Self-styled champion of the workers. Her party splintered from the Commo's back in '39, and have been largely forgotten since. Has some support in la nord but is bleeding votes to other Pinko's. Never won a race, never will. Avoid.

500/1. Philippe Poutou, Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste.
Orthodox Marxist. Avid trade unionist, former hunger striker, and thinks of himself as some kind of revolutionary. Will muster votes in factory's he's trying to keep open.Will garner support on a platfom to reduce working week to 32 hours and lowering retirement age to 60. Little support in the market. Disregard.

500/1. Jean Lassalle, Independent Centrist.

Career independent politician. Lacks quality in this field. No chance.

1000/1. Jacques Cheminade, Elderly Independent Lunatic.
Follower of the crazed Lyndon LaRouche. Conspiracy theorist par excellence. Punters wonder how he got into the race as the "hopeless joke" candidate. Quintessential French utter nutter. Last placing highly likely. Save your money.

Happy democratic punting.
Have fun!

(originally published 21-04-17)

the fundamental human right to get off one's tits

All hail the Herb Superb.
It's 420 Day!


Looks like I will have to move forward my first legally prescribed half-gram of the day from 5pm to 4:20pm.
Haven't got any particular problem with that.
So, do yrself a favour, and have a 420 in celebration; start boiling the billy and insert the party cone, or roll up a fat Jamaican-style scoob and set fire to it, and exercise the fundamental human right to get off one's tits at a "socially accepted hour of the day".

(originally published 20-04-17)

the "King of Good Times"

Modest entertainers,

One of the vagaries of the Miracle of Democracy, particularly in the largest democracy in the world i.e. India, is that generally it allows capitalism a free rein, with all its attendant graft, greed and corruption.
Here's an example.
This bloke has more front than David Jones.
Bugger the 311' super yacht, it's the "gold ashtrays" that you want, to stub out those massive Cubans.
As my father used to say, if you are going to owe the bank money, make sure it's helluva lot of money.
Then you can happily carry on regardless as the "King of Good Times".
And now he's giving me ideas about how to celebrate my 60th birthday; they say that Goa is very nice in August:

"a poster boy for greed in India when he held a lavish two-day 60th birthday party at his huge beachfront Kingfisher Villa in Goa. The party, which reportedly cost more than $2m (£1.56m), included performances by Bollywood singer Sonu Nigam and Enrique Iglesias, who sang on stage with Mallya".

Who cares about being collared by Scotland Yard when there's seemingly no trouble raising the £650,000 in bail and “The ownership structure of Ladywalk is perfectly legal”, anyway.
Bob's yr uncle.
Live the life fantastic:


(originally published 19-04-17)

"the Persians are great negotiators"


"word salad".
What a great phrase for DJ Trump! talk.
The Nips are having a really hard time with Trumpese:


Never mind French.
French interpreter Bérengère Viennot said Trump is not easy to translate because he seems “not to know quite where he’s going.”
“You realize, at that moment, that you have written something very unpleasant to read. Trump’s vocabulary is limited, his syntax is broken; he repeats the same phrases over and over, forcing the translator to follow suit,” she said. “The translator has to translate the content and the style. So that is what I do, and reading Trump in French, which is a very structured and logical language, reveals the poor quality of his language and, consequently, of his thought.”

Take any language you like, but try tranlating this stream of nonsense.
Here is a transcript of what tubled out of the lips of the Trumpotus:

"Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT. Good genes, very good genes, OK? Very smart: the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart. You know, if you’re a conservative Republican—if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican, they try—oh, do they do a number. That’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune. You know, I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged. But you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me: it would have been so easy—and it’s not as important as these lives are. Nuclear is so powerful. My uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power—and that was 35 years ago—he would explain the power of what’s going to happen, and he was right. Who would have thought? But when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners— now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three. And even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger: “Fellas,”—and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so you know it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so ... And they, they just killed, they just killed us."

Lord, help us.

(originally published 18-04-17)

WestConnex ruins everything...


It was a glorious autumn picture postcard Easter Saturday afternoon in the Emerald City and found myself wandering about in Sydney Park, that magnificent 103 acre oasis of green rolling hills, trees, wildlife, wetlands, and the heritage-listed old brick kiln chimneys just over the way from St Peters and Newtown and only 3.3km from the CBD.
It was beautiful...full of folk in the sunshine enjoying themselves hugely, from Champagne drinking BBQ's through to drug-fuelled rave parties complete with duf-duf music, thousands of children on scooters and bicycles, loose footballs everywhere, great flocks of birds shitting all over the shop and millions of dogs [where do they all come from?], all happily getting along as their keepers [including me] completely ignored council by-laws regulating that it was a dog on-leash area.
Running wild and free, they were.
Inspected the massive engineering works - which have to be seen to be believed - slicing a nice chunk out of the eastern side of the park for WestConnex...that multi-billion dollar Tory 'vote-winning' project to build a new heavily-tolled "Road to Nowhere", where they are currently doing a cut-and-cover for the ins and outs to the "spaghetti junction" connecting to the duplication of the M5 East motorway tunnel, currently the second longest road tunnel in the Southern Hemisphere.
The whole thing is beyond comprehension.
And boy, aren't the locals antsy about it.
There were hand-written protest signs everywhere, and a small encampment of itinerant's pup tents along the new boundary of the park and the road works, keeping an eye on things 24/7.
No-one argues that the whole stinking schemozzle of an over-budget over-time mess is other than an appalling waste of long-suffering taxpayer's time and money - they'll be chaining themselves to the earthmovers soon enough.
You've gotta love a touch of civil disobedience - and while one of my favourite banners read "A Fair Go For Trees", others are taking it very personally:

(originally published 18-04-17)

Albo's Ale

Head Brewers,

I did note that The Great RJ Hawke has hopped aboard the the craft beer bandwagon and released a brew named after him.
Appropriate, as the formerr Australian Labour Great and Prime Minister once held the official World Record for sculling a "yard" of beer.

But I had no idea there was an Albo's Ale -- ever come across it?


(originally published 11-04-17)

a sober judge

Social Drinkers,

If I had one beer in a pub in Parramatta, I'd be absolutely as the parrot.
Guaranteed to be a one-pot screamer nowadays.
$20K? I'd go 'em for at least half a mill.


"The freedom of a member of the public is important and arrests must take place for valid and lawful reasons,"
Judge Dicker said.

A sober judge.

(originally published 03-04-17)

more wall than you can poke a stick at


Just by the by, reading in Time magazine this week that the biggest industry to employ immigrant workers in the USA is "private households".
45% of domestic servants are foreign workers, and they're only the documented ones.

In the meantime, never mind never getting the vote he expected in the House on all that terribly complicated health care nonsense, or rolling back "the war on coal" with the stroke of a pen on an Executive Order, seems like the Trumpotus - DJ Trump! - is learning the hard way just how awfully difficult it is to "drain the swamp" and build a new one, damn it.

But, you've just gotta love the "big beautiful wall", don't you?
It's great.
30 feet high!
And crazy cheap too...at only $US8.3M per mile.
Isn't that fantastic?
Do like how refugees are now described as "pedestrians":


Maybe the Mexicans should take a leaf out of the Palestinian's book?
Taught by experts.

(originally published 30-03-17)

a $41M mistake

Bad Tory Baird's doggy disaster?

A $41M slug to the long suffering taxpayer.


Already been belted in by-elections...bye bye Gladys.
Love the new Racing Minister's name...Paul "What A" Toole.

(originally published 28-03-17)

Thursday, 18 May 2017

doing nothing as Rome burns


Never mind the sugar dispute, the Hon. Pauline Hanson, Senator for Queensland - yr doing nothing as Rome burns:


Tropical Cyclone Debbie is about to solve the problem for you, by sending great swathes of cane fields flying westward-ho at 280+kph.
There will be no cane to crush.
It's highly likely there will be a critical pudding shortage.
Never mind the tomatoes and capsicums.


I can see the front page screamer on the NT News in a couple of days time:
Don't like the "eye" on this thing -- nasty as...

(originally published 27-03-17)